Northern Pike

Esox Lucius

With light spots over a dark background and a brilliant green to olive-green dorsal area, the northern pike is a striking fish (pun intended).

A voracious predator, pike are well known to attack almost anything alive, including small muskrats, ducklings, loon chicks, mice and nearly any smaller fish in the lake. This makes northern pike fishing an action packed activity. On Scott and its flyouts typical pike prey would be leeches, burbot, ciscos, whitefish, lake trout and yes, smaller pike.

Our pike spawn as soon as the shallow marshy areas are ice free. This is typically a time when the main lake is still ice covered so we have never observed the spawning process at Scott. The fertilized eggs attach to vegetation and hatch into fry in a week to two weeks. The fry will live off their egg sacks until they start swimming and feeding on zooplankton and insect larvae. Females mature at about six years of age (around 20″ in length) and produce about 9,000 eggs per pound. Due to the cold waters and relatively low productivity (a measure of the “living things” in the water,) growth rates are very slow, but Scott pike are extremely long lived and still get to monster proportions. In warmer, southern waters the maximum life span might hit 10 years. At Scott and in similar far northern waters that age span will approach 30 years.

Age of a Mature Female Pike (years)

Average Age of Pike at Scott (years)

Largest Pike Caught at Scott (inches)

Gear for Trophy Northern Pike Fishing

For most of our customers northern pike are the primary target. You will start catching pike on your first stop of the day. The lodge provides your rods and reels but which one you grab is entirely up to you. For northern pike fishing most of our anglers pick up the open-face spinning reel, fitted out with Power Pro synthetic line which offers the “you feel every little bump” response. We have St. Croix heavy action rods and high end Shimano reels. Or you can grab bait-casing rig or a nine weight St. Croix fly rod. Any of these weapons will bring pike to your guide’s hand. Spinners and plastic lures are the standard items to have on the end of your line but top water plugs under the right conditions (warm, calm water) can be deadly. Your guide will walk you through all the lure options.

Scott Lake pike grow very slowly.  The big fish (40-50″) are very old. That’s the reason why catch and release for trophy fish is so critical in preserving a quality fishery.
Fishery Biologist

British Columbia Institute of Technology

All About Pike

Northern Pike Experience


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