Shallow Water Lake Trout on the Fly

Watch the New Fly Fisher’s visit to Scott Lake Lodge last fall. Shallow Water Lake Trout on the Fly is an extraordinary experience only possible during a couple of short windows during the year.  This is only a small portion of the footage and amazing fishing we had. Cannot wait for more shallow trout!

Find out more about Lake Trout Fishing at Scott Lake Lodge here



Spring Pike Fishing Tip Video

A great Spring Pike Fishing tip video from Philip Rowley’s visit to Scott Lake Lodge.
Whether the bay is south facing, wind direction, bottom colour and other attributes all dictate a bay’s prevailing water temperature in spring. Find the right temp, find big fish willing to chase flies. While all shallow bays will hold fish at some point in the early part of the season, understanding these nuances and fish movement is what makes the guide team at Scott Lake the pros they are.

2021 Season Update with Owner Tom Klein

With deep regret, knowing we tried our best to make a truncated season happen…we have to make the decision to cancel 2021 in its entirety. Travel issues, border doubt, short timelines and the lack of confirmed guests just made the risks too great to bear.

Owner Tom Klein, gives a brief update about 2021 and how we’ve switched gears to focus on 2022. We have the place almost entirely full. If we are interested in a spot for 2022 now is the time to act! Contact to get one of the few remaining spots.


Fishing for Trophy Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Fishing for Trophy Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Imagine yourself in the middle of a pristine wilderness lake on the 60th parallel in northern Saskatchewan or the Northwest Territories.Your guide takes you to his favourite spot, a rocky ledge dropping off into a sandy basin…a favourite spot for summer lake trout to hang out waiting to slurp up Burbot, whitefish or Ciscoes in the cold depths. The guides fish finder has mapped this spot out and tells him when it’s time to drop down. With closely controlled depth and speed you probe the tradition between the rock and sand. All of the sudden the rod doubles over….snagged! Dammit…wait it’s moving! This is the experience fishing for trophy lake trout at Scott Lake Lodge.

Jason Hamilton GM with Big Laker

Giant Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Lakers in our part of the world grow to trophy size slowly. a half pound or half inch a year in the cold water and short growing season. That 40″ trout could have been an egg on a rocky Scott Lake reef during World War II. These beasts demand respect in how they are handled. Big nets, bump boards, a quick photo and back down they go. The heads and face of big trout have character, it looks like they’ve seen a lot in their lives.

Each season brings a unique time to fish trophy lake trout at Scott Lake Lodge. Spring finds lakers shallow cruising sand, as water temperatures warm into summer they start dropping down into the depths 70 to 120 feet of water. Later August sees trout start a step stair climb shallower, everyday up closer to fall spawning reefs. This is one of the most exciting periods of the year, trout are in a few feet of water…alot of them and can be targeted with fly rods and lighter spinning gear. What a way to close out the season !

Check out the video below by our friends at Rawfish Creative that captures the essence of the hunt for this ancient giants.

To learn more about lake trout fishing at Scott Lake Lodge visit us here. All about Lake Trout

Also be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel





Flyfishing Pike and Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Flyfishing Pike and Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Pike and Lake Trout Fishing at Scott Lake Lodge and on the fly rod! With COVID 19 keeping our guests from the lodge we needed to make some lemonade! Tourism Saskatchewan put us in touch with a great Canadian based fishing show.

A big northern pike on the fly rod

First fish on the fly rod!! That’s one for the memories.

Join The New Fly Fisher’s host Phil Rowley while he chases giant Northern Pike and Lake Trout while flyfishing at Scott Lake Lodge. The luxury accommodations of our 5 star Canadian Lodge are the perfect base to explore Northern Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. We made sure to cook Phil a shore lunch tasting menu, on Canada Day no less…a perfect way to celebrate!

This show has some amazing footage of sight fishing northern pike and all the gear used to chase after them. Covered are line and rod choices for pike and also the best pike flies. Be sure to check out the topwater and dry fly strikes . Learn more about fishing for trophy pike at Scott Lake Lodge

Trophy Lake Trout Fishing at Scott Lake Lodge

The boys with a giant Scott Lake Trout

Then the guys switch gear to show how to fly fish for lake trout, including the Deep Drop method of getting your line down 70 feet! Lakers are also fished along drop offs and in rapids. Late June is a tough time to target lakers on the fly but a combination of good guiding, good electronics and good angling techniques made it happen. Learn more about fishing for trophy lake trout at Scott Lake Lodge

Due to extremely high water conditions we were not able to visit our Arctic Grayling fisheries on some of the amazing Northwest Territory rivers. The rivers were way back into the willows and not safely wadable.

The video Sight Fishing Monster Pike and Lake Trout on a Fly at Scott Lake Lodge  premieres at 9am EST on YouTube

To learn more about Flyfishing Pike and Lake Trout at Scott Lake Lodge. visit

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