Alot To Be Thankful For
Time has flown by faster than a Thanksgiving turkey putting distance from a guy with a shotgun. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two months since our construction crew closed-up the lodge for the year. Now Thanksgiving and the Holiday season are right in our lap. We have a lot of thanking to do: first, thanks to our nine-person crew that spent the past two summers making what was a very nice fishing lodge into a northern Shangri-la; and thanks to our loyal customers who have waited so patiently for their trip to the north; and thanks to our top manager (Jason, that’s you) for holding everything together in these challenging times. For everyone the wait will be worth it. We have a total focus now on making 2022 the best season in our 25-year history. We just have one more winter to get through.
Winter’s Work Has Begun
And winter’s grip is tightening in the far north. Despite a mild fall, Scott Lake begin freezing over November 17th and was completely locked up by last weekend. It’s amazing that so much water can go from soft to hard in less than a week. For most of our guests from the lower half of North America, cold like we get at the lodge isn’t even comprehensible. Winter is a waiting time, but our fish are patient. Like our anglers, they wait for spring, soft breezes, warm water and the return of the sub-arctic sun. After two years of loafing around, they need some stimulation! If we don’t give them some exercise, who will?
The Scott Lake team, though, is doing more than waiting. The planning season (there is no offseason) is already in full swing: we are working hard to get tons of fuel and supplies to the island by June of 2022 and take care of every detail needed to offer our world-class customer service. Most importantly, we are thankful that our entire guide team will on the dock greeting our guests on June 9th; and that nearly all the kitchen and maintenance teams are returning as well, with only a couple of new smiles on the hospitality team. Our staff has stood by us over these last two years just as you, our guests, have. On this Thanksgiving Day we have a lot to be thankful about.

Video Treats for the Holidays
When regaling your awestruck friends about your Scott Lake Lodge fishing tales, we’ve included this video to help you paint the picture.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel so as not to miss any updates or cool videos.

Last Call
As we mentioned the patience and loyalty of our guests has been tremendous, leaving only very limited openings for the 2022 season. While this is great news for us, we want to make sure everyone has a chance at the trip of a lifetime.
Even though we added two new weeks in September, we have only a handful of open spots. Get in touch with Jon Wimpney, our sales manager/guide to see if you can grab one TODAY. Why not today? It isn’t even a holiday in Canada.
Also, he can help with new program: a 2023 wait list. We’ve never had one. We have always honored our right of first refusal policy for booking on the island and that will continue, but why not be first in line next summer if we don’t fully re-book the week you want.
You can be an early bird as well for any 2022 cancellations—we always get a few. Don’t delay! You will thank yourself when you are pulling in trout and pike in one of the most pristine fishing destinations in the world.
Give our Sales Manager and guide extraordinaire, Jon Wimpney, a call at 306/209-7150 or email him.

We Want to Hear From You
Have any questions, comments, suggestions? Fishing story to share or just want to chat? You can hit us up here:
Tom Klein, Managing Partner (406) 539-5245
Jon Wimpney, Sales Manager (306) 209-715
Jason Hamilton, General Manager (306) 812-9788
Hell, call us all if you want. We love nothing more than talking to customers and future customers.