Nearly everyone brings way too much on any vacation.
Far northern expeditions tend to amplify this tendency. “I didn’t wear half the clothes I brought” is a common comment leaving Scott Lake. Just remember that while Scott Lake is in the middle of a vast wilderness, the Lodge is an oasis of comfort, convenience and equipment. We probably have whatever you think you’ll need right on the island. When in doubt, leave it at home.
We must limit luggage to a maximum of 50 pounds. The flights from Edmonton are carrying all the fresh foods for your epicurean meals. We don’t want to bump the prime rib because someone brought their entire collection of outdoor gear. Most guests find that 30 pounds gives them everything they need. Trust the camp to provide (for free) whatever you decide to leave behind.
Weather at the 60th
The temperature at Scott is totally dependent upon wind direction. If it’s from the south or southwest count on warm, even hot weather from June through August. If it’s from the north or east dig out your long johns & gloves. It can drop from 80 to 40 in a few hours with a wind change.
Since no one can predict the wind or weather, regardless of when you are coming, better to be prepared for a wide range of temperatures.
Think Layers
You don’t need two or three coats. A quality Gore-Tex (or equivalent) jacket will do the job in any weather if you have a lightweight layer plus wool or polar fleece underneath.
Quick Dry Fabrics
Pick up some fast drying cotton/poly blend shirts and trousers. Synthetics and cotton/poly blends are the fabrics of choice.

Be Rain Ready
It will probably rain at least once. Be prepared with a quality rain suit (jacket and pants.) The jacket should be a breathable fabric to prevent that clammy feeling. And of course, a good waterproof hat.

Don't Forget Your Feet
You need some type of waterproof footwear. Inexpensive knee high rubber boots are great or a pair of short L.L. Bean-type boots.

Polarized Sunglasses
Invest in some quality polarized sunglasses. You want to be sure to fully experience the thrill of sight fishing.
Suggested Clothes List:
- Layers: full length underwear, top and bottom (lightweight polypropylene or equivalent)
- Shirts (3): 1 short sleeve & 2 long sleeve, quick-dry fabrics are best
- Pants (2): (quick-dry fabrics work best) Pants with zip off legs double duty as shorts. Leave your blue jeans at home. They take way too long to dry.
- Pull over (1): heavy fleece or wool
- Rain jacket: Gore-Tex or equivalent mid-weight. Any quality “breathable” jacket you use for hunting or fishing will do fine. Rain jackets with hoods are an absolute necessity to keep dry in a downpour.
- Rain pants: Fully waterproof (not water-resistant). Ski pants may look waterproof but they don’t cut it in heavy rain. Get a quality Gore-Tex or equivalent rain suit.
- Hat (waterproof): Find one with a strap to keep it from flying off your head. A good brim with a dark underside helps for sight fishing.
- Polarized sunglasses: an absolute must for our unique sight fishing opportunities. A spare isn’t a bad idea, but our shop does carry them.
- Comfortable walking or hiking shoes for the island and a pair of ankle-high, waterproof boots, preferably slip offs, are perfect for the boat. No dress shoes needed!
- Warmth: a down or insulated vest or jacket, just in case we get a cold front. We do not stock these in our store.
- Gloves: both a light pair for fishing and a heavier waterproof pair. We do stock several types of gloves, including neoprene.