
News from the 60th
Week 6: The Beat Goes On

Week 6: The Beat Goes On

WEEK 6: “THE BEAT GOES ON” We were coming off a record-breaking trophy week at Scott and it would have been reasonable to assume that our big fish needed a rest. But the bruiser pike, fat lake trout and acrobatic arctic grayling had no intention of taking a break:...

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Week 5 Recap: So Close…

Week 5 Recap: So Close…

WEEK 5 RECAP “SO CLOSE” At Scott Lake Lodge our fishing is all about having fun, not setting any records. Over the years we have probably set a few International Game Fish Association (IFGA) line class records but we’re not into that. We’re into guests enjoying their...

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Week 4: Fun in the Sun!

Week 4: Fun in the Sun!

WEEK 4 RECAP “FUN IN THE SUN” It keeps getting better and better. We thought Week 3 was great fishing until Week 4 showed up. With abundant sunshine the big pike and the pike anglers were happy and energized. On 176 occasions a trophy fish brought smiles to our guests...

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Week 3: Much Better Than OK

Week 3: Much Better Than OK

WEEK 3 RECAP “MUCH BETTER THAN OK” At Scott Lake Lodge there are OK Weeks, Good Weeks, Great Weeks and Fantastic Weeks. Our Week 3 anglers who made the journey to the 60th parallel in far northern Canada had one of the latter. The week had it all: an incredible total...

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Let the Games Begin! The Week 1 Report

Let the Games Begin! The Week 1 Report

LET THE GAMES BEGIN! It was a classic opening week with cold nights and mornings but hot fishing. For weather we had it all: wind, cold rain, clouds and just enough intense sunshine to wake up the slumbering giant pike. While it’s been reported in these posts often,...

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Countdown to Week 1 2024

Countdown to Week 1 2024

The countdown is on! Work never stops at Scott Lake Lodge, but when the first crew of the spring makes it to the island, it seems like full speed ahead. This past week our spring construction crew did just that.Preseason Prep We have so much to get ready to open the...

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Weather in Stony


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