Week 7 Update: Lucky 7’s produce a 2017 Season Record for Fish Trophies!
Nothing is sweeter than being in the right place at the right time, our guides have a knack for putting our guests in just that situation and week 7 was no different. 159 trophies hit the nets this past week, and some were giants! In the shallows, the big pike came early and often to Scott guests. Jake and Justin Linaberger started hot with a bunch of big pike, they topped out at 42” and 43.5” pike respectively. Justin added a 40” jumbo laker to his tally, not to be outdone Jake hauled up a giant 43” laker. The drags were screaming in their boat that day! The pair did a walk and wade for grayling, with much success, adding both their names to the 100+ club roster. Gene Brzek, in the boat and rapids with guide T-bag was throwing flies to big pike and on day 1 put a cast in front of a most accommodating 44” northern. Gene had a hard time deciding which fought harder, the big pike or the 39” laker that didn’t want to leave the bottom. After an afternoon in the grayling rapids Mr. Brzek notched a trophy triple and 100+ club entry.
Despite some summer storms, Steve Keith put on a clinic for big pike, Steve had just about every number over 40” topping out with a mammoth 47” water wolf, that came charging out of some flooded grass to inhale his bait. Steve made the 100+ club with a 39.5” trout and a day 5 grayling from the rapids on the Dubwant River. A week like Steve’s doesn’t often get overshadowed by his fishing partner, but the other side of Cory Craig’s boat for the week Rhys Reese put on a show…. numerous big pike came to hand for Rhys, but none bigger than his personal best 48.5” leviathan! Rhys rolled lucky 7s out of the gate because he followed up his big pike with a monster 42” laker…that was just the first morning! After a fast start Rhys waited all the way until the last day to catch his grayling, 18.5” of artic sail fish gave Rhys 109” of Scott Lake fish, a lofty mark for the year. The Fierbaugh’s fished hard and came up big with many “overs” and many just under that they admitted fought even harder than the big ones. Tim Fierbaugh caught fire on day 4 of his trip bringing 7 pike over 40” to the boat. Partners Frances Sun and Daniel Speilman, were in the boat with Jan this week. Both had a blast, both caught trophy triples. Daniel hit the 100+ club with beauty grayling, a 38” Abitau Lake trout and a magnum Scott Lake pike, measuring on a tight tape 48.75” to take the honors for pike on week 7.
The guests weren’t the only ones catching big fish. Office manager Mason, had Claire out for a fish on her birthday, it wasn’t long until she celebrated in style with a 43”er!
If we could script a week to repeat 16 times at Scott Lake, this would be it, great weather, great fishing and great company. No wonder nearly all of our guests chose to rebook with us before leaving…the highest compliment we can receive.