Fish a million acres of private water
With our network of 22 flyout destinations Scott Lake Lodge anglers have exclusive access to literally a million acres of water on lakes ranging in size from a few thousand acres to a few hundred thousand acres. Those lakes are spread across a vast region encompassing 15,000 square miles of pure, untouched wilderness—that’s quite a backyard. And you will not see another boat without a Scott Lake Lodge decal on its side. It’s all yours! World class Northern Pike fishing. World class Lake Trout fishing. World class Arctic Grayling fishing.
Our flyout option is just that—an option. While the fishing on Scott and the adjacent Premier, Wayo and Grindle lakes is excellent, many anglers just love to get in that float plane and see some new country. The choices are yours.
With so many lakes in our network, we can really spread the fishing pressure around, keeping the entire flyout system fresh and exciting. You will have the “chance” for extraordinary fishing. All we can promise is that all of our flyout lakes have great fisheries, great fishing history and have passed a very high bar to make the list. But no one can predict the outcome on any particular day. At any lake, anywhere the final decision is up to the fish: they always have the last word.

Abitau Lake
Abitau is a first-class lake with both Lake Trout and Northern Pike fishing. It was opened as a flyout lake in 2000 and quickly became our #1 lake trout destination. It produced so many double-digit days that the Lodge had to run a lottery to determine who could go there. As in many of our great trout lakes, the fish there got a bit smarter and the trophy totals fell off. We gave the lake an eight-year rest and brought it back recently; it has produced well again. The pike fishing has always been fast and furious. Abitau always shines in the fall when thousands of lakers swarm the many shallow reefs. With clear water this creates an unbelievable sight fishing opportunity.
Beauvais Lake
Beauvais is a beautiful, sprawling lake, producing both Northern Pike and Lake Trout in good numbers with plenty of trophies. The Trout holes are well known and can be fished quickly, leaving plenty of time for the many shallow bays where the Northern Pike action can be terrific. In June and early July, the Northern Pike are in the shallow bays and in late July and August they hold in some of the best “cabbage” beds on any of our lakes. A lot of 45+ pike have come out of this lake.
Burslem Lake
Burslem was brand new to our flyout network in 2019. Part of the lake was fished once with a Zodiac over 20 years ago and produced very good numbers of Northern Pike with plenty of trophy-sized fish. At that time, however, it was determined that it wasn’t big enough to handle two boats and during Scott’s early years all of our lakes featured two boats. So, it was put on the shelf. Now with the single Otter flying to lakes with both one and two boats, we have put this beautiful lake back on the menu. In its first year production was beyond our wildest expectations. There were more 45+ pike caught here per trip than any other lake, including several 48s, 49s and a 50. Last season was almost as exciting.
We have a long history with this sprawling lake northeast of Scott. It features great weed beds, fast action on pike and one of our finest grayling spots. Pike numbers have been huge here with the occasional trophy fish, but numbers are the game. The walk to the grayling spot is the shortest we have – about 50 feet. As we’ve done with many of our lakes, we put Desmarais on a rest for a few years. We are excited to have it back in the program. There is a lot to explore.
Dodge/Sovereign Lake
The close by Dodge lake complex has two connected lakes with lots of interesting water. You could never see it all in a day or even in a week. This was an outpost camp in 1997 and 1998 but was opened for Scott guests in 2013. Many of the biggest Lake Trout in recent years have come out of Dodge. And it has plenty of unexplored Pike bays and plenty of Pike. No one has spent much time on the connected lake, Sovereign, yet. There is still a lot of water to explore. It’s a short plane ride to the southeast. With very clear water the conditions are perfect for sight fishing for pike.
Dunvegan Lake
It’s a tough call to decide if Dunvegan is a Lake Trout lake or a Northern Pike lake . It’s been great for both species. One of Scott’s first flyout lakes, Dunvegan has provided some epic trophy Lake Trout days. There are good sized deep holes (60-70 feet) in the sandy lake bed that concentrate the Lakers, especially mid-season. It also has lots of first class Pike bays and plenty of cabbage for late season. In June and July it has first rate shallow water Pike fishing. As one wise guide said, “sometimes it’s a can’t miss lake”. It’s certainly that way in fall when those trout head for the spawning reefs. A number of 40” lakers have been on flies there in September.
Flett Lake
After just three seasons, Flett has become a Scott Lake Lodge legend. Flett put on a hell of a show in 2016, its first season, coughing up more trophy Northern Pike than any lake in our history. It continues to produce many of our largest Pike. It also delivered some huge Lake Trout in the deep hole on the south end. Big fish or lots of smaller fish, Flett is a memorable fishing experience. It is a relatively long flight but worth it.
Gardiner Lake
If you like your Northern Pike long and fat this can be the place. It may not provide the steady action of an Insula, Ivanhoe or Labyrinth, but your odds of getting a super-sized Pike are quite good here. It was one of Scott’s first flyout lakes and its hot spots are well known but they keep pumping out huge pike. Gardiner has one first rate Lake Trout holes for mid-season trolling or jigging. The Arctic Grayling fishing requires a 15-20-minute hike, but you could get your Trophy Triple hat (or 100+Club jacket) in a single day here. It’s been done before.
Ingalls Lake
A huge lake, rivaling Scott Lake in size and complexity, Ingalls was a new lake back in 2013 and was sensational for Northern Pike from the first day. It still is. It has kept on producing fantastic results. There just don’t seem to be many slow days on Ingalls. There are many stories of a Pike way beyond 50 inches: seen but not yet caught. Maybe this is the season and you’re the angler. It also features a couple of great Lake Trout holes and an option for Arctic Grayling in the outflow. It’s an exciting place. This is a stained lake so sight fishing is not its game, but you can see those hog pike when they are in the net.
Insula Lake
Insula is a fantastic Northern Pike lake, pure and simple. While there are some Lake Trout holes that produce trophy-sized Lakers, the Insula story is one of an incredible number of 35-38” aggressive Pike. One day two anglers landed around 200 fish by lunch and were too tired to fish any more: they came home early. Days of 100 + Pike are common here. The Pike action can sometimes be described best as fantasy fishing. If you want fast action and “easy” fishing this is your lake. If you only want monster pike, we have lots of other options. Getting a 40-incher is quite possible. The lake has great cabbage beds by mid-summer. Early season features non-stop action in shallow water.
Ivanhoe Lake
Ivanhoe has always been the Pike lake by which we measure the rest: it’s our gold standard. It is a big lake, you will not see more than half of the lake in a full day. The action is usually fast. It has not produced our largest Northern Pike, but it consistently produces a lot of trophies. It has great shallow bays for early season and lots of cabbage beds for mid to late season. One large hole near the landing zone can produce trophy Lake Trout. The Arctic Grayling fishing is excellent but requires a 20-minute hike, and yes, there will be bugs on that walk. Ivanhoe is probably our most photogenic lake with lots of interesting topography and a beautiful waterfall at the south end. It’s hard to imagine a better place to spend a day.
Labyrinth Lake
Just downstream of Ivanhoe but to the north (rivers flow north and east in this part of the world), Labyrinth has a near cult following with some Scott guides, especially in late July and August when the cabbage beds are prime. It also has classic early season Pike fishing bays. Early in the season and in September there are some Lakers around the inflow but it’s the big Northern Pike that lure anglers here. Labyrinth is known for particularly fat, girthy Pike. It’s also one of our most dependable trophy Arctic Grayling locations. There are Grayling runs at both the inflow and outflow. A short hike (10 minutes) gets you to either one.
Lefty Falls
Lefty falls is a spectacular place, officially one of Saskatchewan’s “Seven Wonders”. And it’s all yours for the day. Picture a national park without handrails, signs or any other people. Then picture lots of eager Arctic Grayling. There is a steep 15-20 minute hike from the plane to the river and the rocks in the river are very slippery. If you’re not in reasonable shape or if your balance is questionable, take another choice for Arctic Grayling. Especially during mid and late season, the grayling action can be sensational. It’s a lot like fishing a western trout river except there are lots more fish and no other anglers–a solitude you can’t find anywhere south of the border. A group of up to six can fish here. The view at the top of the falls alone is worth the trip.
Odin Lake
Odin is a cool lake between Labyrinth and Ivanhoe, keeping very good company. It is just a bit small for two boats but it’s perfect for one. It’s been the “secret lake” for a couple of guides. Odin has always had excellent Northern Pike fishing with consistent trophy production. Lots of lily pads to cast to and plenty of other aquatic vegetation is part of its charm. There are some Lake Trout but it’s primarily an excellent Pike lake. With a very short hike, the excellent Arctic Grayling water near the inflow to Labyrinth can be accessed. Odin is a winner with very little pressure.
Sandy Lake
Sandy has been for years one of our top big Northern Pike producers. Like Ivanhoe, Odin, Labyrinth and Smalltree and now Wholdaia, Sandy is part of the Dubawnt River system. It’s a shallow lake with lots of aquatic vegetation, some of the best of any of our flyout lakes. The water is fairly dark so sight fishing is not part of the package, just jolting strikes and lots of Pike. Sandy has the famed (at least famous to Scott Lake guides) football and soccer fields–huge cabbage patches which are prime in July and August. For June it has some deadly good shallow bays. And it has during the lower water levels of July and August solid Arctic Grayling fishing at the outflow which, at the right water levels, can be fished right from the boat or with a short walk. This is the rare lake with both great pike numbers and size.
Selwyn Lake
This is another massive new lake (176,000 acres) for Scott Lake Lodge anglers to consider. Selwyn Lake, east of Scott Lake, is one of northern Canada’s most storied lakes. It’s been producing huge Lake Trout and Pike for decades but has not been fished heavily in many years – the lodge on the lake has been closed for nearly a decade. In 2018, Scott acquired outfitting rights to Selwyn and to an adjacent, connected lake, Shagory. Like Scott, Selwyn is bisected by the 60th parallel. The fishing has been consistent with our high expectations. It’s a long flight and not an inexpensive day but Scott Lake is the only outfitter using this incredible lake.
Smalltree Lake
Smalltree has produced a tremendous number of trophy Northern Pike and many memorable trophy days since it became part of our fishing menu. It has become for many of our guides the “go to” lake for trophy Pike. Like any lake, it can have a slow day but it’s rare here. Smalltree is blessed with an abundance of cabbage and other aquatic vegetation that concentrate Pike. Early season finds Pike at Smalltree in literally inches of water. There are two quality Lake Trout holes as well. It also has one excellent Arctic Grayling spot, where some of our biggest Grayling are taken, at the outlet, a boat ride of about 25 minutes with lots of big Pike spots on the way. There have been many Trophy Triple days here and even some 100+Club days and several “Done-in-One” experiences, getting trophies of all three species that collectively measure 100” or better in a single day.
Thomas Lake
Sometimes precious things come in small packages. Thomas is one of those gems. It was fished for two seasons about 20 years ago with sensational results. Then wildfire swept through the area and burned the landscape badly: it was just too ugly to fish and was abandoned as a flyout destination. Now the landscape has recovered and the Northern Pike fishing, oddly, is much better than it was back then. Maybe the ash in the lake stimulated growth? We don’t know why but we do know that Thomas has produced a lot of big Pike. In 2014 it was our #1 lake for big Northern Pike and it continues to product trophy pike. It’s a dynamite lake with the right condition (warm weather); we avoid the lake in cold fronts—shallow lakes cool more quickly and pike just don’t like dropping temperatures. On a hot day this is a hot lake. This is strictly a pike pilgrimage. Check with your guide and then check it out.
Wholdaia Lake
Wholdaia is a long way from Scott but it’s worth it. It’s a huge lake stretching out over 50 miles west to east. Maybe you remember seeing the fat 51” pike in the four-page photo spread of mega pike in the 2018 Annual Report. That was a Wholdaia fish as well as many others on those pages. Wholdaia is a monster of a lake with monster fish. New in 2016, it immediately produced some very heavy pike. It is part of the famed Dubawnt River system and is so large and spread out that it took all of 2016 and a chunk of 2017 to fish even half of it. Now we have five boats so can really cover the lake. It’s definitely one of our crown jewels in this collection of amazing gems. There are lake trout, but the pike fishing has always overshadowed chasing lakers. This lake is a winner.
Wholdaia Far East
That’s how big Wholdaia is: it’s two destinations requiring a total of six boats. The east end is the outflow of the Dubwant River. It’s really a separate flyout from the locations of our other five boats. By ascending the rapids (exciting but safe) you can fish the east side of Wholdaia but most of our guides are very happy to stay in the zone between two sets of rapids where the fishing for all three of our species is extraordinary. Yes, it’s a long ride and certainly not a cheap one, but the fishing here has made the day well worth the time and money. It has simply the best grayling fishing we have ever encountered. Early in the season huge trout are right below the first rapids; later in a few deep holes.