It’s A Wrap: The 2011 Season Ends

At 6:30 PM on August 24th the last guests of the 2011 season boarded GQD, the lodge’s classic Beaver, and headed south to Stony Rapids to connect with their charter flight back to Saskatoon and “civilization”, though nearly all would have preferred to stay at Scott, a truly civilized place. It was a fitting day to call it a season: the island birches were sporting their first yellow leaves and there was sharpness to the north wind. It was time. The last day was much like the first on June 10th, 75 days earlier. Lots of fish were caught; sensational shore lunches were enjoyed; animated conversations echoed around the island and lots of stories were shared. A day like any other at Scott. For the Scott Lake Lodge staff this day is different– always bittersweet, a mingling of pride in the accomplishments and joys of the season and the regret that it’s over. How could 76 days slide by so quickly? How could it be over?

But it was and as in poker it was time for the counting–counting up the trophy numbers and counting the memories of a great season with great fishing, lots of sunshine and most importantly happy customers. One satisfied guest on that final day was Joe Daugherty who landed a 20” grayling, his biggest ever, and watched a herd of twenty-four musk ox from the window of the Beaver. It was the biggest grayling of the season and the most musk ox ever seen on a fly out. His was just one of the 48 “supersized” grayling (a grayling over 18”) of the season. A lot of oversized fish were landed and released this season. Especially lake trout. This was the Year of the Trout at Scott. The last supersized trout of the season was taken by Montanan Jim Klos who watched his guide pull the cradle around a fat 42” laker. As many Scott Lake veterans know, the first look at boat side of a lake trout over 40” is one of freshwater angling’s great thrills. That thrill was experienced 85 other time during the 2011 season. It was a record year for giant trout. It was a good year for big pike as well. Hundreds were caught over the 40” and 27 hit or exceeded the 45” mark, a true fish of a lifetime.

But numbers, even big numbers like 1300 total trophy fish, do not capture the story of the 2011 season. It was an experience to be felt not reduced to statistics. It involved a lot more than catching fish, even big fish. It was all about catching powerful experiences. Guest conversations at dinner covered more than fish talk: there were references to the incredible clarity of the water, the presence of loons, eagles and osprey, the shore lunches that went way beyond fried fish, the exquisite privacy that’s part of being at the only lodge on a huge lake, the attentiveness of all the Scott staff and the overall purity of entire experience. What amazed many guests were the absence of things—no beer cans on the shore or on the lake bottom, no litter of any kind, no cell towers, no thumping generator noise, no noise of any kind. When the outboard is shut off the only sounds are the lapping of the waves, the calling of the loons or the screeching of the drag, all wonderful sounds.

Many guests appreciate that nothing earth shattering has happened up here since the glaciers left 7,000 years ago. The Scott lake setting is always the same—perfect. It’s easy to be absorbed into a pristine ecosystem, where taking a drink of water right out of the lake is as safe and natural as taking a breath of pure, unpolluted air. The place just gets into people’s skin and psyche. Knowing that moose, wolves and wolverines roam the forest under those sharp spruce tree tops puts one in the northern frame of mind. And being in the north, not the commercialized version promoted by tourist towns all over the upper Midwest and New England, is one of the passions shared by almost all of the Scott Lake Lodge guests. Scott is true north to the core with daylight almost as endless as the wilderness that stretches all the way to the Arctic Ocean, offering a profound solitude, a rare thing in the world today. The Scott Lake Lodge staff of 30 team members all falls into the category of true northerners. They come to Scott not because they need a job but because they need the north and they share that feeling with Scott guests. There are at Scott ample opportunities to catch that spirit from this experienced crew, especially the guide team with a collective Scott history of nearly 150 years on these waters. There are few lodges where the entire staff (guides, pilots and all the shore based staff) sits down in the same dining room and enjoys the same rack of lamb, prime rib or any of the other delights from Chef Shaun Ledoux’s kitchen.

In 2011 it was all about the people. It was Dave Wilson and his gang sitting around a “supersized” bonfire, playing guitar and mandolin with Hospitality Manager Allison Whelan and Sous Chef Kyle Rose, getting the crowd of a dozen or more other guests to sing or at least hum along. It was ten year old Foster Graf getting a spontaneous cheer after the announcement that he got his Trophy Triple Hat, a cheer for the size of his spirit and love of fishing not for the size of his fish. It was 87 year old Harley Weiss who fished hard for ten days, catching more fish and bigger fish than most of the other guests, inspiring everyone with his unabashed love for the entire experience at Scott. Hell, Harley even cradled his own 44” pike one day. It was Al Riss making his 19th consecutive trip to Scott, leaving New Jersey every summer for a taste of the north. It was about the people more than the fish. People really letting go of their urban anxieties: relaxing on the big deck with the commanding view of the lake; sweating out the worries of modern life in the sauna; soaking in the cedar hot tub or getting a down to the bone massage in the spa, something over half of Scott’s guests experienced in 2011. It is the people that made 2011 a special year at Scott.

But of course people do fish here. And they catch fish. There were some incredible days logged in 2011. Too many to document here but there were some special ones like father/son team Michael and Jake Jaffe landing eleven trophy pike in a single day. (Getting a single pike over 40” is a trill, just imagine eleven). Or nine. Mike Shannahan and Peter Leonvicz did that in a day landing three pike of 44”and one of 45” plus five more. Mike Rogers and Joe Beckman also had a nine trophy pike day. Scott and Kent Holtmeyer teamed up for seven big pike in a single day. Dennis Helter single handedly hit double digits with five pike and five grayling trophies on his best day fishing ever. And two of his pike were 45s! The list of multiple trophy days is a long one. We can’t forget Russell Lafave’s six trophy pike day, Bill Calabresa’s five, Judy and Connie Schmidt’s eight trophy day (six pike and two trout)or Randy Lail and Ward Brooks’ seven trophy pike day. It wasn’t just the pike that came in bunches. Abe Martinez and Jeff Quick had a monster lake trout day of seven trophy lakers with one girthy 43 incher. Teddy Barkwell got into the big trout game big time with six trophies in a day; young Foster Graf had a five trophy day with trout and Lou and Syl Kozewski landed six huge trout with half of them over 40”. One memorable trout moment was the father/son team of Roy and Scott Katskee landing back to back 41” and 42” lakers within sight of the lodge. While this is just the tip of the iceberg, the 90% plus of the days below these big fish bonanzas were just as satisfying.

And then we had the just plain fun fish stories. Like the one about the guy who had not fished since he was a Cub Scout. He goes out on his first day at Scott and lands a huge 47” pike, the biggest of our season, as his first fish since childhood. The ex-Cub Scout was Dave Pulchinsky and we suspect he is now hooked on fishing for the rest of his life. Or Bill Calabresa’s pike story. Bill was having a really good day. He landed a lot of fish in the morning including a 41” pike on his fly rod. Just before lunch he hooks a big fish but it breaks off (it happens) and the big ones always seem to get away. After lunch guide Jan Phoenix takes him back to the same area. Bill hooks “another” big fish. In the cradle comes a 45.5” pike with a fly and a nine foot leader hanging out of his mouth. That’s good karma and an aggressive fish. Both flies were returned to Bill and the pike returned to the lake to consider his eating habits. Another angler had a heart breaker that turned golden. It was Bob Goldenberg who lost a nice pike right at the boat, around 42” according to his guide Curtis Woloshyn , only to land a 46 and a half inch beauty a few minutes later. Another happy ending? How about Clare Ward who just took up fly fishing this season. And he got pretty good at it. But one pike got the best of him. It took off and just kept going: the fly line separated from the backing. Guide Cory Craig watched the fly line zip away but chased it down and handed it off to Clare while he was trying to quickly retie the line to the backing. But the fish had other ideas. It took off again and the chase was on again. Cory got to the line a second time and this time managed to get a quick knot and turn the game over to Clare again. Clare did his job well and a 42” pike ended up in the boat—the hard way.

Not all the fish stories have a storybook ending. Take the epic fish versus guide story of Steve Linder (AKA Biff Piston). Biff has guided pike anglers for 15years, 12 of them at Scott. He knows a big pike when he sees one. With guest Jim Tarala, he saw a big one with very distinctive light coloring at a place now known as Biffs’ Rock. Jim saw the take and hit the fish with a hell of a hook set, a set so strong that the split ring connecting the spinner with the treble hook broke. That happens maybe once a century. Biff was speechless which is a quite rare thing for him. Biff knew it was a world class fish, in the 50 inch category so Biff went back in about a week with Kent and Bryan Holtmeyer. The same big fish (remember it had very distinctive light coloring and was really big) came up again and ate Bryan’s spinner (the fish had the routine down by now). And again it got off with a huge head shake. The fish was gone but not forgotten. With his last anglers of the season Biff went back to his rock and, yes, Peter Leonovitz Jr., an experienced angler, hooked the same fish. Peter freaked at the sight of this monster and pulled his spinner right out of its mouth. Biff crumpled to the floor. The Final Score: Fish 3/Guide 0. Biff went back three times with his dad, Mel, after season and kept trying but no monster pike appeared. Stay tuned next year. Biff will be back at his rock. We hope the fish will be too.

The 2011 season was memorable for feathers as well as fins. We had some special residents on the island. One was a family of long eared owls that set up shop right in Guideland, about 15 feet from a staff cabin. Five picture perfect owls hatched out of the nest and entertained staff and guests for most of the summer. The baby owls stayed right in the nest for about two weeks while mom watched over them and gave the evil eye to all the owl watchers. But overall the adults were quite tolerant. Why they picked a small spruce tree at the busiest spot within fifty miles is a mystery. There are, after all, 500 islands on Scott Lake alone. But they picked our island and a place right at the highest traffic area of the island. It was wonderful watching them grow up over two months. The young ones had a call that sounded very much like an alarm clock, an electronic one. (Not all of the island’s human residents appreciated these birds.) And we had a second but more secretive bird group. A family of merlins, a small raptor, lived on the island as well. They had four chicks which started flying about the same time as the five owls. In mid-August there were evenings when all nine of these young birds were winging around testing their flying skills. It was a show.To our knowledge all the birds survived the summer and headed somewhere by the last week of August. We wish them good luck.

So many stories, so many memories of a great season. Thanks to all the 2011 guests and staff for making the season so wonderfully magical. We’ll just have to do it again in 2012.

Season Update

Season Update

As August settles in at Scott Lake we are looking at the final third of our season. It’s a perfect time to reflect on the year so far. To say the least, it has been a tremendous summer at Scott Lake Lodge.

The fishing on Scott Lake and it’s fly outs has delivered. But that of course is expected here. Being 300 miles from the nearest paved road in Canada’s far north brings fish of size and quantity. Among the thousands of hard fighting fish, many trophy sized pike, lake trout, and grayling have been brought to the boat, a testament to our veteran guide team and the zeal of our anglers. Simply put, the trophy sized apex predators lurking in these lakes constitute a very small percentage of the total fish population, probably only 2%. They have been found, caught and photographed to aid the many fish tales that are bound to be told after a trip to Scott Lake. It has been an especially good season for big lake trout. We are well on our way to setting a Lodge record for lakers over 40″, a measure of a true fish of a lifetime. Over 40 anglers have already had that experience in 2011. And there have been many pike over 45″, another mark of a major angling accomplishment. In short, it’s been a great year on the water.

Great fishing and great weather seem to go hand in hand. And the weather could not have cooperated better this year.  An average day in June and July this season was hot by northern standards. Temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s were the norm as were shorts, sandals, and t-shirts. Now I admit that attire might sound somewhat peculiar when thinking of a typical trip to the North, with or without sunshine, as most people conjure images of dreaded swarms of mosquitoes and black flies. Yet truth be told, it has been a near insect-free season. (I can already hear the echoes coming from the south across the lake – “LIAR!” But it is nothing but the truth.) Our low water this season, a hazard only for the guides who have to navigate  through many reefs, has been a huge blessing, keeping the lowland areas dry and keeping the bugs high, dry and MIA.


While it’s still hot, there is already a hint of fall. It’s in the air and every living thing here is getting ready for its arrival. The loons have become more active and are starting to congregate; the first yellow has popped out in our hillside birches and the northern lights made their first appearance of the season on August 6th. It’s coming. Soon, the lake trout will change their colours, the pike will start to feed heavy for the long winter, all the birch will change to a fantastic yellow, the mosses a brilliant red, and the dance of the northern lights will be a nightly occurrence as the long days come to an end and darkness returns to our night skies. The only disappointing thing about this time of year is knowing that only 20 short days remain of our season. Everyone here will make the most of them.

A Few Facts About the 2011 Season

  • Number of flyout days cancelled due to weather: 1
  • 375 barrels (17,000 gallons) of fuel have been brought to the island to date
  • 35,200 lbs of groceries have been flown in (ok, some of that was beer)
  • 702 copies of the island newspaper “Tundra Times” have been delivered by Office Administrator Tyler Tuck.  They are posted daily on our blog.
  • 947 trophy fish have been recorded as of August 1st (on track to wallop last year’s total)
  • 292 extremely happy guests have shared this tremendous season with us so far
2012 Season: Now Is The Time

If YOU want to be one of those extremely happy guests next summer, now is the time to act.

While most of this season’s guests did rebook a trip next year, there are still openings available in June and July of 2012. However they are like our lake trout; they don’t hang around the boat…they move quickly. Lock in your 2012 Scott Lake Adventure right now. There are less than half a dozen openings for June 15-20 and June 20-25; a few more for June 30-July 5 and July 5-10. Set the hook on these now.

You can book at the current price (with the US dollar dropping we cannot hold the current price much longer) and get the $250 Early Booking Discount if you confirm with a deposit before October 1. Email our Sales Manager and veteran guide, Jon Wimpney, right now. He guides for 10 hours a day but he will be at his keyboard late into the night if needed to answer your questions and get you on board for next season. His email address is easy: Do it today.

To the Lucky 2011 Anglers!

We are up and running this season with a single mission; to make this the greatest season in our history. With a veteran group of guides, a fresh look in the kitchen (which is humming along flawlessly), the island in top notch shape, and the fly-outs open and ready to go, we are off to a great start meeting that mission.

We are 100% full for the season with nearly 100 more anglers than 2010. We thank all of our guests, returning and new alike in achieving such a remarkable goal. We will not disappoint, you expect the best and we’ll provide it.

See you at the dock!

Getting Ready

I can’t begin to express how nice it is to get back to the island. Myself and small, excited crew touched down on Scott Lake on the first of June to temperatures in the 70’s. The ice had retreated enough around the island to just get the Beaver down and to the dock. Since then, 18 round trips with the Beaver has brought in groceries, fuel, supplies, pop, and of course the beer. At 1300 lbs a trip, the crew have been kept rather busy, smiling the entire time. With all of our supplies in place, we are turning to preparing the island and boats for the arrival of our first group of guests on the 10th.

While the weather had cooled down considerably, some steady winds have beat the ice back to almost completely open water. The forecast looks great for the following week, the lake will be wide open, and the fly outs will be ready to go. I am looking forward to having guests back on the island and running the finest fishing program on the continent. The 10th can’t come quick enough.

See everyone on the dock!

Spring Update 2011

Ice Report

The temperatures at Scott Lake have been warmer than normal this spring, to say the least.  At this writing Stony Rapids hit a high of just under 80 degrees, far warmer than here in Bozeman MT, about 1100 miles south. Since there is no one at Scott right now, we can only assume that the wonderfully unseasonable weather has visited the lodge. The  long term forecast is cooler but still well above average:  the only ice our first group coming in on June 10th should see will be the cubes in their favourite drinks. The stage for an early ice out was set months ago when the heavier than normal snow cover provided an insulating cover and prevented the formation of our typical six to seven feet of ice. We love these “no drama” springs.

Staff Retreat

From April 22-27th most of the Scott Lake guide staff and the departmental managers got together for the annual “get ready for the season” company meeting/fishing trip in Chilliwack, British Columbia. This beautiful city, surrounded by mountains, is next to the mighty Frasier River, a river on par with the Columbia. And a river with massive sturgeon. While the trip was a pre-season planning session which helped integrate some new staff members to the team, sturgeon fishing was the daytime activity. And daytimes were busy. Catches of two dozen sturgeon per boat per day were common, with some true monsters landed. A lot of fish over five feet were boated and there were several that stretched the tape to nearly seven feet. Scott guides love big fish and the Frasier did not disappoint. This type of fishing can’t replace the excitement of sight casting to savage pike but it is just plain fun. And since it’s hands-free bottom fishing there was ample opportunity for beverage consumption. Suffice to say the crew had a great time. They are primed for a wonderful 2011 season.

New Chef in Town

One of the anglers at the event was our new Head Chef, Robert Rose. After a Canada-wide recruiting effort, lodge General Manager John Gariepy landed his trophy of the season—a Red Seal Certificate (the highest professional level in Canada) chef with a powerhouse resume. Rob, as he would rather be called, recently was a chef at one of Canada’s finest restaurants, the Church Restaurant and Belfry in Stratford, Ontario, a CAA four diamond rated establishment. He has also worked at Langdon Hall in Cambridge, Ontario, a five diamond restaurant listed at one of San Pellegrino’s Top 100 restaurants worldwide. With working history in the organic foods industry, Robert brings a lot to the Scott Lake Lodge table. He has a passion for local products and will add a distinctive Canadian flavour to his offerings. But with considerable experience with classic French cuisine he will probably slip in some continental delights now and then. We are delighted that Rob will head up the kitchen staff at Scott, making your next trip not only a world class fishing experience but a dining one as well.

Thanks to the Class of 2011

We are back! After a tough 2010 it looks like 2011 will be a 100% sold out season. Out of 360 available spots we have bookings for 354. We will sell out. If you want to grab one of those final tickets give Tom KIein a call or email ASAP. You can reach him at 406/539-5245 or We thank all of our customers for giving us the opportunity to provide a trip of a lifetime—again.