Of Pike and Muskox: Fishing Week 4 in Review

Of Pike and Muskox: Fishing Week 4 in Review




On June 28th strange creatures looking like they just wandered out of a Star Wars movie set were spotted on the shores of Scott Lake. They were stocky with very shaggy long dark coats, horns that belong on a cape buffalo, traveled in a large group, and grunted a lot. People with travel experience in the high arctic will figure this mystery quickly, but for the 60th parallel this was an amazing sighting. They were musk oxen of course, but they have never been seen this far south. It just might be the first time ever that this primitive mammal has traveled the eskers along the north shore of sprawling Scott Lake. Just a little history: musk oxen are creatures of the far north, very far north. Most numerous on the arctic islands like Banks or Victoria, they are also found on the mainland of northern Canada, but usually well north of this neck of the woods. Twenty-five years back Scott Lake Lodge guests who really wanted to see one had to fly in a float plane over two hours north, toward Dubwant Lake to see one. Over two decades sightings were made closer and closer to the lodge. While the trend line was clear, it was still stunning when guests Joe Novicki, Bill Calabresa and guide Jan Phoenix saw a herd of around twenty-five right on the shore of our own lake. Around this small island town this was big news. It’s a new era of wildlife watching.

Bill and Joe weren’t just looking for musk ox of course. They have been fishing hard and successfully. For over two decades the two anglers have been boating big northern pike, lake trout and grayling. This year’s trip was no exception. Both will be proudly wearing their 100+Club jackets. Joe is currently tied for the top spot in that exclusive club with his total of 103.5 inches having landed a 45.5” pike, 39” lake trout and 19” grayling. The other person on top of that leader board is Rich Kracum, another long time Scott guest, with a pike of 43.5”, a lake trout of 41” and a grayling of 19” who landed on the same number. It was a big week for the jacket: Rich’s son John Kracum hit the same number as Bill Calabresa at 102 inches.

It was a big week for a lot of guests. Mira Lechowicz landed four trophy pike one day and three trophy lake trout on another day. Susan and Frank Saraka have been coming to Scott for a long time but can’t remember a better day together than the nine-trophy pike day they had this trip, topped by Susan’s 45” pike. On the same day Cam and Andy Godden hit the same total of trophies but both caught 47 inchers. In any “normal” week a 47 would be the top fish but not this week. Both Craig Mataczynski and Al Wortz put 48s in their guide’s nets. Five pike in the “super-sized” category of 45 inches plus is quite a week. For many lodges in the lower parts of Canada that would be a season’s worth.

The totals for the week were impressive, especially for a week characterized by cool and windy conditions: 112 trophy fish nicely divided among pike, lake trout and grayling. Who knows where those numbers will land when we get our first warm week of the season? Well, about 14 people, the Scott Lake guide team, have a pretty good idea. They want some warm, sunny days to bring those big pike into the shallows. We’re still waiting, but like all anglers, waiting patiently. They will come and we will be ready.

Reviewing the First Week of 2022!

Reviewing the First Week of 2022!


WE’RE BACK- Start of the 2022 Fishing Season

What a joy! On June 14th, after 32 months without a single guest gracing this 12-acre island just a long cast from the Saskatchewan/Northwest Territories border, we finally welcomed a couple of dozen of our long-time guests to Scott Lake Lodge. The excitement for both our guests and our staff was electric. Having lost the June 9th week to a late ice out, our team had extra energy to lavish on the new arrivals. It was a glorious homecoming. And the only ice our guests encountered were the cubes in their drinks. The lake was ready, and the Scott Lake team was ready.

We had an early signal that the fish would cooperate. Before the first boat left the island on the morning of June 15th, Mike Rogers was getting some kinks out of his line. On his first cast his #5 gold Blue Fox spinner went by a lake trout cruising in the shallow water, a trout that didn’t know that Mike wasn’t really fishing. The laker grabbed the lure and officially kicked off the 2022 season. Over the next five days Mike landed a dozen trophy pike and hundreds of fish. Most of the other guests had similar stories. The week was what one would expect in the far north where weather forecasts are meaningless: we had beautiful sunny days, cloudy windy days, some quite cold days and everything in between. But the weather didn’t matter. Everyone was delighted just to be back, just to be fishing again. The colder than normal water temperatures did keep the total trophy count low by our very high standards, but our anglers did average over 20 trophy fish per day, mostly pike with a few trout mixed in and one grayling. That one grayling though was memorable. It was at the end of Terry Jones’ line and its 16.5 inches combined with the lengths of a fat 40’ lake trout and a girthy 44” pike to give Terry just over 100” for the combined length of the lodge’s three trophy species. He became the first member of the 2022 season to join the elite 100+Club. Many more will follow and wear the custom jacket celebrating the accomplishment.

Terry didn’t land the only monster trout. While casting for pike at the mouth of a bay, Steve Tillery landed a 40.5” lake trout did not want to be landed. It was an epic battle and Steve prevailed. While our great trout fishing comes later in the season when trout concentrate in deeper water, getting a big trout early in the season is a wonderful bonus fish. Getting pike this time of year is expected and Scott Lake and the lodge’s many fly out lakes delivered. Don Luke and Simcha Cohen both brought 45” pike to their guide’s waiting net. Joel Tune discovered his lucky number was 44; he landed three 44” pike on three different days. The biggest number though belonged to Clayton Jennings. On his final day on the lake armed with his trusty fly rod Clayton did battle with a gorgeous 48” pike and came out on top. That’s a lifetime angling memory. There were many action-packed days this week including a Father’s Day special. Ross Purpura had a wild day catching seven trophy pike with the top one taped at 43”. But his dad, Ross Senior, took his son to school by landing a 46 incher and four other trophy pike. Every angler left with great fish stories and with memories of traditional Canadian shore lunches, the sounds of loons, of migrating geese and the satisfaction of sharing this far north adventure with like-minded people. Was this the most trophies we’ve ever had for a week at Scott? Not even close but the action was sensational, and everyone left with a trophy experience. That’s what counts. So, one group is in the books; nineteen more to go. We are just so thrilled to be talking about the Start of the 2022 Fishing Season! Stay tuned.

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Shallow Water Lake Trout on the Fly

Watch the New Fly Fisher’s visit to Scott Lake Lodge last fall. Shallow Water Lake Trout on the Fly is an extraordinary experience only possible during a couple of short windows during the year.  This is only a small portion of the footage and amazing fishing we had. Cannot wait for more shallow trout!

Find out more about Lake Trout Fishing at Scott Lake Lodge here https://www.scottlakelodge.com/canada-fishing/lake-trout/



Fly Fishing for Pike at Scott Lake Lodge

Very soon some lucky anglers are going to feel the boat slow as they roll into a shallow bay on Scott Lake or one of its many flyouts. The wake fades and your guide starts pointing out submerged logs that he assures you are big northern pike. A fly is chosen, tied onto a titanium bite leader and a cast is made. Strip, strip, strip, pause, BOOM. The log comes to life and in a flash, your fly is gone in a puff of silt and huge boil. The fight is one and your line on the casting deck is taken in a hurry.

Whether fly fishing for pike is a lifelong addiction like many of our guests or you are picking up a fly rod for the first time. Scott Lake Lodge is a great place to do it. Lots of opportunities, our guide staff are great teachers and the chance to hook into something truly special.

Sight fishing for giant northern pike on the fly. It doesn’t get any better.


Learn more Northern Pike Fishing at Scott Lake Lodge

Spring Pike Fishing Tip Video

A great Spring Pike Fishing tip video from Philip Rowley’s visit to Scott Lake Lodge.
Whether the bay is south facing, wind direction, bottom colour and other attributes all dictate a bay’s prevailing water temperature in spring. Find the right temp, find big fish willing to chase flies. While all shallow bays will hold fish at some point in the early part of the season, understanding these nuances and fish movement is what makes the guide team at Scott Lake the pros they are.