If there is such a thing as a typical Scott Lake Lodge guest, they would look, well, male for starters, with just a bit of white around the temples; they would own a business (or two or three) and would be experienced anglers. Half of the ninth group at the lodge didn’t fit that profile at all. This group was a lot more diverse: more female anglers than usual, a few guests living large in their early 20s, and a lot more kids—seven to be exact (since kids don’t like to be called kids, we’ll call them young adults or teenagers). It gave the week a wonderfully effervescent feel . The cheering during the nightly fish du jour show may have been a bit higher pitched, but it was infectious. It brought out the kid in all of us.
These teenagers were not sitting around consumed by their screens; they were out fishing. In fact, the big fish of the week, a monster 48-inch pike was taken by thirteen-year-old Ben Matherly. It was a beauty and caught in a well-known spot just a pleasant 15-minute boat ride from the lodge. And the person on the 100+Club leader board is now fourteen-year-old Thomas Purcell who fished hard and well and claimed a fat 18-inch grayling, a 45-inch northern pike and on the last day of his trip boated a very plump 39-inch lake trout, giving him a 102 total trophy inches, combining the lengths of his biggest pike, trout and grayling. Greta Hall at the young age of 14 also joined the exclusive club with her three big trophies, including a very heavy 42-inch lake trout, also on the last day of the trip and within sight of the lodge. Other young adults did well too: Kai Boland, Thomas Purcell and Greta Hall earned their Trophy Triple hats; Griffin Kristo nailed a 45-inch pike, and Andrew Matherly pulled a 40-inch lake trout right into his guide’s net.
Our adult contingent wasn’t sitting on their hands or texting on their cell phones either. They were catching big fish as well. Long time guest Art Rice picked a pair of perfect 46-inch pike. Pat Baker got a 46 and Steve Kristo matched his son Griffin’s 45. This was the kick off of our prime lake trout season when the big lakers start to congregate in deep water in search of cooler water temperatures. There were 19 trophy trout taken during the week, the higher number of the season so far. The Kracum clan did some real damage with the big lakers: John got two 39s; Matt got a 39 and a 41; and Rich Kracum got a pair of 40-inchers which helped him get into the 100+Club. Matt and John Kracum got the Triple Trophy hat trick along with Eric hall.
So, big fish and big family fun. It’s all in a season at Scott Lake Lodge. We thank the group of young adults for showing us the way to the pure joy of a day on the water, with or without big fish.